About Us

About Company

Mission Statement

Schools Program Alliance (SPA) is an association of school Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) formed to contract for goods and services on a group basis, focused primarily on insurance and risk management services. 

First formed in 2020, SPA is not a legal entity separate from its members, but a Joint Powers Authority that exists to provide cost-effective programs and services to manage property, liability, Workers’ Compensation, services.

SPA currently offers Property and Liability Programs as well as a variety of risk management services, including training and loss prevention services focused on wildfire risk assessment and mitigation.


  • Schools Insurance Authority (SIA)

  • Redwood Empire Schools’ Insurance Group (RESIG)

  • Schools Insurance Group (SIG)

  • North Bay Schools Insurance Authority (NBSIA)

  • Butte Schools Self-Funded Programs (BSSP)

  • California Risk Management Authority (CRMA)

Upcoming Board of Directors Meeting

Date: June 10, 2024
Time: 10:00 am (PST)
Location: https://alliantinsurance.zoom.us/j/96624945837?pwd=NEcwWmtZUnQxd3ZpMTdKZHpEa3orQT09 
Meeting ID:
966 2494 5837

Board of Directors Teleconference Agenda: June 10, 2024
Prior Board of Directors Teleconference Agenda: May 13, 2024


Upcoming Training

Coming soon
Additional online training is available through Target Solutions.